The Group

In 2016 the insight of CMAlifts, with the support of the experience provided by leaders in the elevator sector Dapa, Ematic and Qualitylift, gave rise to a single company with the ability to satisfy the many demands linked to components and to lifts in general. Today the CMA&PARTNERS project has become a point of reference for all experts in the field and provides high quality service to satisfy the requirements of a global market.

CMA&PARTNERS also means learning, discussion and growth thanks to the ambitious tour of bimonthly meetings organised across Italy. These meetings, which benefit from the presence of leading figures such as Mr. Varisco, have the dual objectives of informing participants of news relating to the sector and of creating new business opportunities. These meetings are an important chance to discuss not only strictly technical aspects but also design, architecture, and engineering; allowing us to discuss lifts in full, in an ever wider context.
One interlocutor, many productive excellencies: CMA&PARTNERS.